ITA Championship Show 2010!
Dieses Jahr hatte wir uns vorgenommen unsere Youngsters in England auf der Spezialschau der Irish Terrier Association zu zeigen. Der Tag begann mit allerbestem Wetter, einer Bedingung, die alle Teilnehmer einer „Outdoor-Show“ natürlich erfreut. Das Gelände war liebevoll dekoriert, der Ring für die Hunde ganz im Stil der Engländer. Alles in allem eine sehr schöne Garten Atmosphäre und die sehr gute Meldezahl von 49 Irish Terriern an diesem Tage war ebenso erfreulich.
Unsere Hunde waren in allerbester Kondition und man merkte ihnen die lange Reise keinesfalls an. Wir hatten auch in einem sehr gemütlichen Hotel übernachtet und so gingen wir alle guten Mutes an den Start.
Der Richter an diesem Tag war der englische Allrounder Andrew Brace, ein international hochrangiger und überaus renommierter Richter, der schon in allen Teilen der Welt Hunde gerichtet hatte. Dieses Jahr konnte ihn die ITA auch für die Irish Terrier gewinnen und aus diesem Grund war die Meldezahl auch bestens.
Über die Ausstellung schrieb er am 9. Juli in
A German invasion!
On a sunny Sunday I made my way to Markfield in Leicestershire where the Irish Terrier Association was holding its championship show at the Canine Centre there. This is an excellent venue for a breed show and the glorious sunshine enabled us tu judge in a splendid outdoor ring.
There was an entry of 49 dogs, which is rather good for the breed these days, and I was very impressed with the overall quality of the dogs present. Even some that were possibly mainly companions who do not get campaigned on the circuit were essentially good Irish.
The friendly committee and sporting exhibitors created something of a garden party atmosphere and made for a very enjoyable day.
The DogCC turned into a two-horse race between two males that had travelled from Germany. The open winner, Darren von der Emsmühle, is apparently sitting on two UK CCs, but at the crucial moment the junior, Maximo von der Emsmühle, pulled out all the stops and ended up taking his first ticket. I thought him a very exciting youngster in the peak of condition despite his youth.
Lunch was a joy as I had the chance to meet the Association´s president Lucy Jackson, a charming and elegant lady who is devote to the breed and has written many books, both fact and fiction, all featuring Irish Terriers in lead roles. I suspect that this lady has led a very colourful life and is a real character. After the show I was given two of her books which I will always treasure. Her son is apparently an accomplished novelist too.
In the bitch challenge I liked very much the limit winner, Sineads Siofra of Wyndam, for her type and outline, bit she wasn´t quite as accurate coming and going as the open winner, Minze von der Emsmühle, who turned out to be the litter sister to the DogCC winner. Maximo was Best in Show while best puppy went to the bitch Pinleygreen Mustard Seed, who showed much promise.
It was very interested to see that the CC winners were sired by a Merrymac dog bred in Sweden as I have often admired stock from this kennel when judging in Scandinavia. Further analysis of the catalogue revealed that von der Emsmühle breeding lies behind several of the other class winners so the Germans really did have a great day.
We are finished around 4pm so I was able to get home in daylight. This had been one of those lovely breed shows that reminds us how dog shows used to be – friendly and relaxed with excellent dogs competing.
Für die Emsmühle ein großer Erfolg und wie man sich denken kann ein schöner Tag den wir gebührend haben ausklingen lassen. An dieser Stelle möchten wir uns bei Sascha Rühl bedanken, der mit Minze das heißbegehrte CC bei allerbester Konkurrenz errungen hat.
Karina Grüttner